BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) allows students to use their own laptop to aid in learning here at PCS. Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet that meets the criteria below.
The ideal laptop is lightweight and sturdy, has a protective carrying case, has several hours of battery power and easy options for recharging, has wireless capabilities and appropriate software, and offers sufficient storage.
Step One
Find a device that meets the required laptop specs listed on this page.
Step Two
Register your device from the BYOD Register button below.
Step Three
Login to the PCS Student Network.
Specifications for a student LAPTOP
— Chromebooks are not an accepted device because they do not interact well with our software.
If purchasing a new laptop, it’s important to keep in mind how the student is going to use the computer. For example, Juniors and Seniors who plan to pursue a college program may want to contact an advisor from that program to seek recommendations specific to their field. We recommend you use the following minimum specifications for any new purchases. Also be aware that students wanting to take any art classes will need to look at the second set of specs below.
Required Laptop Specs for Art Students
Specifications for a student TABLET device
While there are times when a handheld device is the most appropriate tool for a specific purpose, there are limitations that should be considered as well. Limitations to these devices are specific to model. Please discuss the following with your vendor: • Speed of the Internet browser • Responsiveness, size and readability of the screen • Availability of Apps • Battery life
Click above to register your personal device to be enrolled in the BYOD initiative.
Leasing a computer from PCS is also an option. The lease devices are refurbished Dell Laptops. A laptop can be leased for a period of 5 months at a time. Below is the lease agreement and guidelines