August 22-23, 2025 (FRIDAY & SATURDAY)
Ride Information Overview:
Fully supported w/SAG vehicle
Saturday: Lunch/dinner/snacks
Sunday: Breakfast/lunch
Transportation provided for the first 10 registrants (rider/bikes) back from Lake Geneva to Peoria. Those who register after the first 10 will need to find their own transportation back to Peoria.
Saturday night sleeping accommodations
Join us for the 10th annual Bike Challenge. This year’s route will feature scenic backroads of central Illinois starting in Peoria, Illinois, and ending in Lake Geneva, WI!
This all started in 2016 when a local businessman and his daughter decided to take a bike ride from Peoria to Green Bay, WI. The aim was to grow closer to each other as father and daughter. Not only did that happen in a big way but they also challenged themselves to raise money for a not-for-profit organization that was near and dear to their hearts.
This year they have chosen to ride from Peoria, Illinois to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. This memorable two-day ride is great for a first-time family ride or for the serious rider looking for a fully supported ride. Proceeds benefit Peoria Christian School and support our mission to support the Christian home and church by preparing students to lead Christ-like lives through a biblical approach to education. The funds raised will go towards our Scholarship Fund.
Dates: 2 days & 1 night, August 22-23, 2025 (Friday-Saturday)
Start Location: Peoria Christian School (3506 N California Ave, Peoria IL)
End Location: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (vehicle transportation back to Peoria is included)
Cost: $300 per rider is required to register. All proceeds benefit Peoria Christian School and riders are encouraged to set an additional fundraising goal to help support the School’s scholarship fund.
Our Fully Supported Tour Basics:
The ride distance is approximately 90 miles per day. Maps can be downloaded to your phone with the Ride With GPS app.
Lodging for the one night, all meals, and rest stops are provided.
For all details, visit
The exact trail map can be found at:
Luggage transportation provided in separate vehicles for riders.
SAG support, refreshment stops, and t-shirt are included.
Use your road, touring, or hybrid bike.
Ride And Fundraise For Peoria Christian School:
All participants pay $300 to register. Participants are then encouraged to set a goal and fundraise on top of the registration fee to better support the costs of the ride and help support the scholarship fund at Peoria Christian School, allowing more students and families the opportunity for Christian education!
The fundraising program is optional but will be strongly encouraged. Riders can also make a donation in lieu of fundraising here. More information and instructions will be provided once registration is received. Contact with any questions.
Cancellation Policy:
If needed, riders may transfer their registration to another rider at any time, for any reason, at no cost. However, after
July 15, we cannot guarantee the correct t-shirt size for the substitute rider.
Until August 1, a cancellation refund will be issued for any reason, minus a $30 fee and any nonrefundable credit card fees. However, after August 1, no refund will be issued unless a rider on the waiting list – or someone else you know – can fill your spot.
Sorry, but to protect us from both unused expenses and lost income, we cannot offer exceptions for any reason, including medical or other emergencies.
Finally, no refund will be given for:
Participant’s late arrival
If a participant chooses to leave the tour for any reason after the trip start date